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SSD1963 Initialization

Associate II

I am trying to get a 7" LCD to interface with a STM32F407VET6 microcontroller. I am using a display from winstar which the product number is WF70A2TIFGDBT0. The screen is 800x480 pixels and uses 8080 interface. The display uses a SSD1963 driver and I am trying to use FSMC to interact with it. My problem is that the screen is not being initialized properly and I am confused why. I have attached my code so if anyone is willing to look at it and help me out that would be a great help. I am thinking that it is a timing issue but I am not sure the screen is just black throughout all of my testing. I am using FSMC Address 18 for my data/command select and an 8 bit data bus. 

ST Employee


Seems one of the community members succeeded to drive an LCD (SSD1963):

See this old thread.

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