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Spi clocks are 4, 5, 6 instead of 8 bits

Associate II

Hi all
I am using the stm32h743 device when using spi 6 to transmit data the clocks
are 4, 5, 6 randomly instead of 8 bits
when configuring spi2 the processor function perfectly.
on this device I have already used 
connection: SPI1, SPI5, ethernet, uart4.uart7,uart8, usart1,usart2,usart3
middleware and software package: freertos, LWIP
Timers: Timer1
System core: DMA, GPIO,NVIC, RCC, SYS
CubeMx Version 6.13
CubeIDE 1.16.0
Repository: 1.12.0

Thank you for you answer

Associate II

I have checked all 6 SPI to be  configured as transmits master only 8 bit frame prescaler 256
only spi 6 behave sending 4 or 5 or 6 clocks instead of 8

Associate II

Solution : if spi 6 clock is located on pa5 then this error will happen
relocate spi 6 clock to other pin and the problem mention before we be removed 

If the "problem" only happens on one particular pin, that's probably due to a conflict on the board ...

You haven't said what board you're using.

Check your schematics. If it's a custom board, also check for manufacturing faults/errors; eg, shorts.

Maybe get a logic analyser trace which shows SPI6 working (clock on a pin other than PA5), plus what's happening on PA5 - so a total of 5 signals: NSS, SCK, MOSI, MISO, PA5.

I am using stm32h743 evaluation board the pin are only connected to the logic analyzer
the board was replaced, to see if the problem was on a particular board.
i am in master transmit only mode only clock and mosi (data) pins are used.

@dorong wrote:

I am using stm32h743 evaluation board .

Which one, exactly?

This: ?


@dorong wrote:

i am in master transmit only mode only clock and mosi (data) pins are used.

So just look at SCK, MOSI, and PA5.



So that is one covered by the Manual I linked:


So, again, did you remove R118 ?

If not, that explains why you couldn't use PA5!