2019-03-25 4:51 AM
for a new project I plan to execute the code from an external SRAM connected via FMC.
Are there any experience on speed leakage?
In an other Topic I read that there are losses of 4 times the speed compared to the embedded Flash.
Are there any advantages using a SDRAM instead of a SRAM?
Or do I have to use 32 databits for a compareable performance?
So far I plan to use a STM32F4xx with about 160MHz.
I haven't selected a SRAM yet..
2019-03-25 5:28 AM
If I'm not mistaken, external RAM is connected via the FSMC to the AHB bus, which has no connection to the I bus. So no, you can't execute code from external RAM on the F4.
2019-03-25 11:19 PM
OK, didn't knew that, thank you!
But in this case I could use a STM32H7
According to the following sheet, I don't even lose performance.
Page 15
ROM-Memory: External SRAM
RAM-Memory: Internal SRAM
Or do I miss anything?
Of course before I start designing, I will get one of those Eval-Boards and try it out :)
2019-03-26 6:37 AM
Primary bank SDRAM should be fine, but you're looking at a 6x slower read and it is not cached.
The STM32F429I-DISCO has SDRAM on the secondary bank, but I think there is a bank swap or MPU trick to get it to be executable.