2023-05-24 2:54 AM - edited 2023-11-20 4:43 AM
Hi I am having lags in the RTC after one day.
I am currently using the Nucleo L476RG board, the RTC oscillator is LSE and my CubeIDE version is 1.6.1. It seems as if in the time intervals where I do not read the RTC it is not updated. The next table shows the difference between the PC hour and the RTC hour. Here is a part of my code:
A brief explanation of my code. It compares the date and time of the RTC with a file stored on the SD card. Then, if it is at the right timae, it writes the date and time to a data log and sends a data through the UART 4. Then it waits X time (using the getTicks function line 47).
My interest is that there is no delay between the RTC and the real time.
Help me!
while ( (RTC_info.year == Line_info.start_year) &&
(RTC_info.month == Line_info.start_month) &&
(RTC_info.day == Line_info.start_day))
// Read RTC
int check_hour = hour_is_between(RTC_info, Line_info);
if (check_hour == -1)
//deb_println("Waiting for the time interval");
else if (check_hour == 1)
//! Hour are equals
while (hour_is_between(RTC_info, Line_info) == 1)
// Change the random value
if (cnt_random >= 5)
cnt_random = 0;
//! Generated random vale size 10 characters
float_to_string(random_value, str_random_val);
char* str = string_csv_file(str_random_val, RTC_info, Line_info);
deb_println("Writing in log.txt");
sd_write_line(dossier_log, str);
send_KIM_data_msg(KIM, str_random_val, strlen(str_random_val));
uint32_t now = HAL_GetTick();
while( (HAL_GetTick() - now) < (Trans_Period * 1000) )
Here is the function that allows to store the RTC value in a structure that I created.
uint8_t rtc_get_time_normal(struct time_info *time_param)
* This function allows to obtain the time in a normal
* format (human). The values are stored in a structure
* pointer
uint8_t ack = false;
RTC_DateTypeDef gDate;
RTC_TimeTypeDef gTime;
if (HAL_RTC_WaitForSynchro(&hrtc) != HAL_OK)
return false;
HAL_RTC_GetTime(&hrtc, &gTime, RTC_FORMAT_BIN);
HAL_RTC_GetDate(&hrtc, &gDate, RTC_FORMAT_BIN);
time_param->year = gDate.Year;
time_param->month = gDate.Month;
time_param->day = gDate.Date;
time_param->hour = gTime.Hours;
time_param->minute = gTime.Minutes;
time_param->second = gTime.Seconds;
return ack;
2023-05-24 4:50 AM
Did you reset the board between these readouts?
> the RTC oscillator is LSE
Read out and check content of RCC.BDCR register to find out if it's true.
2023-05-24 6:54 AM
No, the board has not been reset. In the log file every time the board starts it prints a "Hello project start". This message appears only once.
2023-05-24 12:19 PM
Read out and check content of RCC.BDCR register to find out if you indeed run it from LSE.
2023-05-25 3:44 AM - edited 2023-11-20 4:44 AM
These are the values. The bits are well configured, as I read in the manual.
Can you help me ?
2023-05-25 4:50 AM
Yes, RTCSEL=1 is OK.
This means that your LSE runs erratically.