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Programming error - STM32F030C6T6 on custom board






I am using STM32F030C6T6.
I have a working circuit board.
I am trying to connect to it to put a new program in it.
The code was protected, I tried to remove the protection.
Now when I try to program, I get different warnings.
I don't know exactly what information you want from me.

>>I don't know exactly what information you want from me.

To present the context better, just throwing error screens in a post is not adequate.

Just pressing buttons isn't going to solve hardware issues.

So perhaps a schematic, how things are wired up, how things are powered.. What equipment you have, and experience using it.

You have NRST and BOOT0 wired? Behaviour changes with BOOT0=HIGH rather than running your code.

This is a authentic ST-LINK, or boot-leg one ?

The board's working properly?

>>I get different errors every time I try. Can you help with remote desktop?

Not paid enough to get that involved, plus this does suggest a hardware issue

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@XooM wrote:

I don't know exactly what information you want from me.

So, again, look at the Posting Tips - they tell you the information to provide:


@XooM wrote:

I have a working circuit board.

So what board is it - an ST board? a 3rd-party product? a custom design?

If it's not an ST board, show the schematic.


What are you using to do the programming - a genuine ST-Link? a clone ST-Link? other?

How are you connecting it the target - proper connectors? a lash-up of loose wires ... ??


Maybe also provide some good, clear photographs of your setup.

I am using original St-LINK/V2.


This is not an ST card.. It is a card using STM32F030C6T6..
The card was programmed by someone else.
I wanted to change the program in STM32 and program it myself.
And I started getting these errors.
I have programmed other stm32 cards before.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Select connection mode "Under reset". Make sure that NRST pin of the STM32 is connected to the ST-LINK.