2021-06-16 11:22 PM
I am currently using the STM32-G070RB.
The current problem is that ADC_DMA sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, depending on the Clock Prescaler setting and the SamplingTime setting.
I would like to know why ADC_DMA is affected by the Clock Prescaler setting and the SamplingTime setting.
And I'm curious how to do it when calculating the settings to work.
2021-06-16 11:39 PM
> sometimes works and sometimes doesn't
What do you mean by "doesn't work"?
2021-06-16 11:57 PM
Clock Prescaler - Asynchronous clock mode divided by 6 , Sampling Time - 39.5 -> I can get adc value.
Clock Prescaler - Asynchronous clock mode divided by 4 , Sampling Time - 39.5 -> I can't get adc value.
Clock Prescaler - Asynchronous clock mode divided by 6 , Sampling Time - 19.5 -> I can't get adc value.( HAL_ADC_Start_DMA() is not working )