2020-12-21 1:49 AM
I tried this tutorial"https://www.stmcu.com.cn/ecosystem/chip/chipfamily-STM32L5-4", it was not in English. bu the illustration is clear, I tried it in STM32CubeIDE version 1.4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. When I went to the last step - Setting NVIC_S and NVIC_NS, it was "EXTI Line 14 interrupt" there, not "EXTI Line 13 interrupt", I used NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q board(https://ibb.co/yNtQxDF), there was a pushbutton in EXTI line 13, so if there wasn't it, the button would be no way for using, how to add it or maybe this was just a typo?
2020-12-21 4:31 AM
Maybe you've chosen some other pin than PC13 for EXTI?
2020-12-21 5:05 AM
Before, I have just set LPUART1 with PG7 and PG8 for RX and TX default.
2020-12-21 5:21 AM
You are right, I have just reload the .ioc file, and altered PC13 in "Pinout view" from "PWR_WKUP2" to "GPIO_EXIT13", then in "Connectivity-->LPUART1-->NVIC_NS Interrupt Table" enabled it. Then, in "System Core--> NVIC_NS and NVIC _S" there is "EXIT LINE 13 interrupt".