2017-09-29 7:45 AM
Hi all,
i'm a new nucleo user and I start to play with the F767ZI. I will usethe nucleo for send periodical http get request to a remote server, but till now i have some issues with the tools. I configure cube enabling ethernet (mii) and lwIP library.
I configure on cube static ip and all network parameters, enable ICMP request and then put MX_LWIP_Process() in while loop. However i can't ping the board from pc and wireshark doesn't see anything.
All the examples provided by the repository are made without cube and try to export that examples is hard for me. Anyone could help me? For the first step i'm happy if i can ping the board from the pc.
Thanks in advance
Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2017-09-29 8:39 AM
I don't know what version of Nucleo board you are using, but I have two early rev boardswhere the entire ethernet interfaceworks very intermittently.
out to see if your board is experiencing the same issue.2017-09-29 8:45 AM
Have a look to the errata sheet related to the STM32F767 devices, in the Ethernet peripheral limitationssection
to check if you have the same conditions.
here was an Ethernetlimitation
on STM32F767 devices revision A ,
using RMII and it was fixed in Revision Z, butis not present in the MII mode
for more details).If you aren't in the same conditions as the errata sheet, you need to do farther investigation on your case and
I suggest you to debug,identify what is the problem that you see and when it occurs.
Then, you can share your code if this issue is not resolved.
Kind Regards
2017-10-01 2:17 PM
I have same problem. I created new project with stm32F767ZI-Nucleo. My project tcp client but it works sometimes it doesn't work sometimes. When i press reset button if blink only orange led it works after that again press button two leds blink and it doesn't work.
2017-10-02 4:34 AM
Hi Imen, i've got the Rev. B board but i'm on MII mode, so the limitations that you described are not present.
I attach my code and lwip and eth cube config screen. I can't understand why it doesn't work.Thank you!
2017-10-02 4:53 AM
I'd recommend you to have a look to this
, paragraph 'B.3.6 LwIP' for the STM32CubeMX LwIP side.Refer to the lwIP examples under STM32cubeF7 package:
Hope this helps you.
Best Regards
2017-10-02 5:07 AM
it is not a good answer for me. Because i tested
it works perfectly. But my new example (tcp client) doesn't work. sometimes works ( ethernet socket led which orange led is blinking) . Ä°f you want to video i can send you.. This is big problem for me.
2017-10-02 5:11 AM
Me too, the project that Imen refers to is made with FreeRTOS and without Cube, i'm looking for something that are made by cube and without a realtime os.
2017-10-02 6:03 AM
My project video.
first one i created lwip project with cubemx after than i edited project ( i added tcp echo client, i deleted lwip .c )
2017-10-02 7:37 AM
I try your code and it works intermittently as you sad.
I notice that when it works only the orange led is on, what does it mean? The speed is limited to 10 Mb?