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No ST-LINK detected! Please connect ST-LINK and restart the debug session

Associate II


 I am new to STM32CubeIDE. I am doing a PWM pulse generation project in STM32F411CEU6. After the configuration, I am successful in generating code. The debugging was also successful. But when I start Run, the message is popping up " No ST-LINK detected! Please connect ST-LINK and restart the debug session" . I am using Windows 11 Home Single Language system, AMD Ryzen 5000 series. I have also downloaded and installed ST-LINK 007 USB driver. But still the same message popping up. Please help me


And you have an ST-LINK connected?

Or you have some random Black Pill board, or similar, without any debug pod?

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I have connected STM32F411CEU6 using USB C type cable. Can you please tell me what " debug Pod " is?

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-25 at 3.30.12 PM.jpeg

Lead II

I know and use this quite good board (but not the same version).

The question is what probe do you connect to the SW 4 pin connector (GND, SCK, DIO, 3.3V) ?

You say  "The debugging was also successful". How do you debug ? If you can download and debug the code, you can run it!

Associate III


I suggest you buy a Nucleo-32 board. They are as cheap as chips and the ST-Link is incorporated into the device - They work really well and are well supported.

Or, If you buy a Nucleo-64 then you can use the ST-Link header that in on the board to access other boards (very neat)

So you DON'T have an ST-LINK, which is why its NOT FINDING ONE..

These would connect via the SWDIO, SWCLK, GND, etc

For the Black Pill you can use USB/DFU mode, would need to use STM32 Cube Programmer, and connect with BOOT0 button pressed. Device would then be found as "STM32 BOOT LOADER" type device, and you can access via STM32 Cube Programmer in USB mode.

This WON'T allow for debugging, just programming.

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Make sure that only one program accesses ST-LINK at any time. Close the others.