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Need advices for STM32F7 bootloader (SD or USB)

Associate III


I`d like to make bootloader for STM32F7 MCU and have few question how to starting with it.

I found `AN4854-IAP_OVER_SDIO` example but can't figure out how to proper open it in ST CubeIDE, which folder or file should be selected as root.

And another question if it is possible to update MCU firmware (user program) via USB flash drive (not SD card) when device should be updated by end user.

Thank you.

ST Employee

Hi @rBlr 

First, you can import existing project into workspace without issues.


Second, you need to initialize USB host capability and file system support to read USB flash drive. To develop your custom bootloader, you can refer to How to Create a Super Simple Bootloader, Part 1: Getting Started - YouTube

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