2017-03-14 3:20 AM
I have succeed in making my application (STM32L475 based) going to Stop1 mode allowing it to leave stop1 mode in the following situations:
- RTC (every 31,25ms)
- I2C1 IRQ
This is correctly working but, then the problem appears when I include LPTIM to generate a PWM signal:
when PWM is started, USART2 does not work. If LPTIM is initialized but PWM generation is stopped (HAL_LPTIM_PWM_Stop), then USART2 is working again. If then, PWM generation is started again (HAL_LPTIM_PWM_Start), USART2 stops working.
Do you know which can be the reason of this behaviour?
Best regards.
#lptim #stm32l4 #i2c1 #stop1 #usart2