2022-12-20 8:32 AM
I'm currently designing with STM32L152RET6 . As I encounter some problems in SPI behaviour, I'm looking for the STM32L15xE errata sheet (ES0235) , the link I found points to 404 ...
Please tell me how to find the errata sheet.
2022-12-20 8:37 AM
Welcome, @JFrei.4, to the community!
You will find the errata under this URL: ES0242.
Does it answer your question?
2022-12-20 10:15 AM
Hi Peter,
You may want to have a look at this:
[EDIT] ... and maybe also this... :) [/EDIT]
2022-12-20 11:38 AM
Ok, thank you.
2022-12-20 11:38 PM
Hi Jan,
thanks for drawing my attention to this.
That's right, there are unfortunately some cross-references that are not up to date or outdated URLs because errata sheets were merged. At least I have already corrected this reference.
We definitely have to think about how such URLs are not simply deleted, but provided with a reference to the newer information.
2022-12-22 1:16 AM
Hello @JFrei.4 and welcome to the Community :)
Thank you for noticing us this issue.
I have passed your feedback internally for fix.
Thank you for your contribution.
2022-12-22 1:45 AM
Hi @Peter BENSCH and @Imen DAHMEN ,
IMO the optimal thing in this case would be a redirect to a page which plainly states what has happened - i.e. that the ESs have been merged - and gives a simple link to the merged ES. Automats which are trying to maintain up-to-date documentation would fail, but ST's web was never too friendly to those...
My 2 eurocents...