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Learning Materials for Beginners

Associate II


Is there a complete course or book from start to finish for beginners on new ST programs? I want to switch from arduino.

I found the book Carmine Noviello Mastering STM32, but it is old (2017-2018) and it uses an eclipse. I want to find a full-fledged training material on modern programs from ST.

In my opinion, ST does not pay enough attention to full-fledged step-by-step training courses for their products.


Isn't that what schools are for?

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> Is there a complete course or book from start to finish

No, that would imply there is a finish, and that everything could be contained in a single course or book. The complexity in an MCU is far beyond that.

There are plenty of google results for "stm32cubeide getting started"

There's a ton of examples available in the various CubeMX repositories.

The resources are out there, you just need to be a bit proactive in using them. Or be specific in what you're looking for and someone can point you in the right direction.

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Hello @Pavel​,

We have an official ST Wiki website with a starting article presenting the STM32MCU basics and step by step tutorials that help beginners start with STM32 ecosystem.

You can refer to the different tutorials to install and use ST free tools.



Thank you.

I also looked for complete courses about TouchGFX (I have nucleo H7A3zi). But most video from ST starting like this: "Lets take Discovery board and load template for it" ��

The NUCLEO board doesn't have a screen, this is likely the prevailing reason it is not chosen as an example for demoing software needing a screen, with a touch controller without devolving into a conversation about a thousand alternative combinations.

They could perhaps have used a X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1, but that's already NRND, and then would a demo for a NUCLEO-F4/L4 be sufficiently on point for an H7

Broad based education of the underlying concepts and methods should allow a pivot into untraveled paths.

There's a whole industry in providing training and certification, although these tend to be trailing-edge, whilst the leading edge tends to be navigated by those not necessarily requiring maps or rope-lines.

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> They could perhaps have used a X-NUCLEO-GFX01M1, but that's already NRND

There appears to be an upgrade, X-NUCLEO-GFX01M2.

I wonder, what would be an acceptable price for a lazy Cubish course with this board. I mean, with a sketchy map and a human to talk through it, to provide some incentive over the free stuff. I faintly remember some sites providing such courses being mentioned here in the past, but can't find any at the moment.


"There's a whole industry in providing training and certification"

Even on Udemy there are only few so-so STM32 courses. I bought several.

And 0 courses about TouchGFX in the Internet.

If you search on Youtube for TouchGFX you will get most times just demo or uncompleted video based on templates

Ah yes, Udemy, that were the courses mentioned here.

TouchGFX was product of an independent company, Draupner, bought by ST a couple of years ago. I guess they used to have training/courses which got absorbed into ST's generic training schemes.