2023-08-31 3:33 AM
I have a large sample array of 2^22 values, coming from a high speed ADC, and saved in a RAM.
I need to perform a FFT on this array. No real time considerations are needed, so the operation can take a while (several seconds for example), no problem.
Is the STM32 family capable of doing such a large size FFT, with DSP library or another way ? What is the besst MCU reference to perform that task, according to you ?
Thanks in advance for your help !
Best regards,
2023-08-31 5:45 AM
So about 16 MB worth of samples. Sure, it can do that, provided you have memory available to do so. Some sort of external memory such as SDRAM will be required with sufficient space.
STM32H7 is generally the fastest, although many chips should be capable of this operation.
I believe the standard library FFT functions are limited to 2^16 in size, but no reason you can't implement your own FFT function here.