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L432 won't programming

Associate II


I am working in a new project (a USBC rechargable battery LORA board with temperature module) with some leds and a button. I attached the schematic here.I only program all my boards with the USART mode.I choose the L4 family because I want to sleep the board for some time,wake up the board, measure the temperature and send the value with another LORA module and go to sleep again. I got some problem with the board because when i plug the board  with 5V i got no consumption. I still can't program the board. Sometimes when i press the button i got 0.120mA consumption. I always connect NRST and BOOT0 in that way and all my boards have no problem, all the time the boards works properly. I read all the STM32L432 Datasheet(stm32l432kb.pdf). I watched the Nucleo-L432KC schematic but i dont see any error. Can Someone help me?

ST Employee

Hello @Ollymarco94 ,

"I got some problem with the board because when i plug the board  with 5V i got no consumption. "

Did you check the voltage level of VDD when you plug 5V USB power source?


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Yeah, i got 5V on the power source and i got 3,3V on my stm32l432.


How are you trying to program it? What are the connections? Note that you need a GND to the programmer, only SWDIO/SWCLK alone is insufficient.


Why does programming fail? What error messages or misbehavior are you seeing? What is your programmer, and is the programmer detected in STM32CubeProgrammer?

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He said "I only program all my boards with the USART mode" So I suppose he's using Bootloader and not SWD.



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I program all my board with this connector and i use the bootloader. It seems like this board is on sleep mode or something. To program my board i got a programmer board made myself and a program made by myself that trigger reset and boot in the correct way and program the board.

Associate II


I try to change MCU with and F042K6U6 and on power on It consume some current(0.012A) but with the L432 wont start.


What about SWD interface? did you try to connect L432 over it?

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No,today i read all the application notes of the stm32L4 family and i note that they talk about and Boot1 PIN (an4555 Page 35).I don see any nBoot1 on pin configuration or something else. Tomorrow i will try to have a look at It.