2023-12-15 1:42 AM
I am working in a new project (a USBC rechargable battery LORA board with temperature module) with some leds and a button. I attached the schematic here.I only program all my boards with the USART mode.I choose the L4 family because I want to sleep the board for some time,wake up the board, measure the temperature and send the value with another LORA module and go to sleep again. I got some problem with the board because when i plug the board with 5V i got no consumption. I still can't program the board. Sometimes when i press the button i got 0.120mA consumption. I always connect NRST and BOOT0 in that way and all my boards have no problem, all the time the boards works properly. I read all the STM32L432 Datasheet(stm32l432kb.pdf). I watched the Nucleo-L432KC schematic but i dont see any error. Can Someone help me?
2023-12-15 4:16 AM
Hello @Ollymarco94 ,
"I got some problem with the board because when i plug the board with 5V i got no consumption. "
Did you check the voltage level of VDD when you plug 5V USB power source?
2023-12-15 5:47 AM
Yeah, i got 5V on the power source and i got 3,3V on my stm32l432.
2023-12-15 8:13 AM
How are you trying to program it? What are the connections? Note that you need a GND to the programmer, only SWDIO/SWCLK alone is insufficient.
Why does programming fail? What error messages or misbehavior are you seeing? What is your programmer, and is the programmer detected in STM32CubeProgrammer?
2023-12-15 8:28 AM
He said "I only program all my boards with the USART mode" So I suppose he's using Bootloader and not SWD.
2023-12-16 12:33 AM
I program all my board with this connector and i use the bootloader. It seems like this board is on sleep mode or something. To program my board i got a programmer board made myself and a program made by myself that trigger reset and boot in the correct way and program the board.
2023-12-17 11:49 PM
I try to change MCU with and F042K6U6 and on power on It consume some current(0.012A) but with the L432 wont start.
2023-12-18 7:15 AM
What about SWD interface? did you try to connect L432 over it?
2023-12-18 8:26 AM
No,today i read all the application notes of the stm32L4 family and i note that they talk about and Boot1 PIN (an4555 Page 35).I don see any nBoot1 on pin configuration or something else. Tomorrow i will try to have a look at It.