2017-03-14 10:23 PM
After upgrade to STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.15.0, my projects broken. The SD card won't work and the Lwip won't work, wonder if ST has done some 'test' before release their lib.!!!!!!!!
2017-03-15 1:44 AM
,Could you please provide more explanation on your case, so that it will be easier to understand the issue?
2017-03-15 7:50 PM
I finally make it compiled now. The main problem comes from SD card relevant files, such as bsp_driver_sd.c, it seems some defines changed, such as structure defines, function prototypes...
The second problem comes from Lwip, the Lwip is updated from 1.4.1 to 2.0, the guard defines in 'slipif.c' disappeared, so the compiler complains that 'sio_open, sio_read/sio_tryread and sio_send' not defined. Simply delete the file from the project can solve this problem, but every time you regenerates the project, it will be added again!!!!
The third problem exist not only in V1.15.0, but also in several previous versions. I use FreeRTOS, and I have some interrupts not handled by FreeRTOS, and have a higher priority than the RTOS kernel, such as the timebase source used by HAL. But every time I reopen the .ioc file, these NVIC irqs are marked red, and prompt me: 'Preemption priority of interrupts should be >= 5......', is it designed to behave like this?
My tool chain is ARM-MDK V5. MCU is STM32F429IGx.
Today, I find the SWD can't print message to MDK's 'Debug Viewer', anyone can confirm this?
2017-03-16 4:38 AM
Let me answer concerning the 'second problem':
LwIP stack files not generated but copied by CubeMX are overwritten at each CubeMX generation.
There is a workaround to avoid this: rename or remove slipif.c file in your project and also in the CubeMX repository I mean in the folder defined in CubeMX menu>Help>Updater Settings: Repository Folder and here in the right FW package folder like STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.14.0\Middlewares\Third_Party\LwIP\src\netif\slipif.c.
By this way you will keep your update in LwIP stack at each generation.
Of course in case of update on FW package you will loose this update...
If it can helps waiting for a better solution concerning this removal of LWIP_HAVE_SLIPIF flag.
2017-03-16 8:04 AM
I would also add to patch the XML Config file located in C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\db\mcu\config\LWIP-STM32F7xx_Configs.xml by commenting the line adding in your project the slipif.c file:
<!-- <File Name='src/netif/slipif.c' Category='source'/>-->
Then your project will not include the
file.Think to reload the project to take into account the update in XML config file.
2017-03-16 7:42 PM
About the second problem, I find another solution. In MDK you can set compiling options for individual file. So just uncheck the 'include in Target Build' option, will prevent MDK from compiling it, and CubeMX will retain the settings.
2017-05-11 7:30 AM
Concerning the third point, it should be corrected in the last version of STM32CubeMX:
The third problem exist not only in V1.15.0, but also in several previous versions. I use FreeRTOS, and I have some interrupts not handled by FreeRTOS, and have a higher priority than the RTOS kernel, such as the timebase source used by HAL. But every time I reopen the .ioc file, these NVIC irqs are marked red, and prompt me: 'Preemption priority of interrupts should be >= 5......', is it designed to behave like this?
Thank you for reporting it.
2017-05-11 7:31 AM
That is in version 4.21.