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I want to use the STM32G474VET6 in a robotic application with 3 motors and a diff GPS. Can I program it in Assembly or do I use C? If the latter is Keil a good compiler?

Associate II

The connector and silk-screen suggest it is a 20-pin JTAG header, would connect to an ST-LINK/V2 or J-LINK type pod.

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Associate II

sorry, but what is ST-LINK/V2 or j-LINK

Associate II

How to find out if it is ST-LINK or J-LINK?

Either, should I Google this stuff for you?

It is a header you'd plug the aforementioned debug pods into.

Perhaps you could refer to the schematic for your board, of docs from its manufacturer.​

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Associate II

Thanks. The Eng'r working on this quit just gave me the board with no schematics just block diagrams. So, I don't know which terminals of the MCU are used for programming the MCU. Any help appreciated.

Associate II

I DO HAVE THE JTAG pin #s if that helps

Associate II

Can the functions of JTAG be programmed in the MPU? Or does JTAG have to be a separate HW device?

Usually it is a separate device. Is Google blocked in your school or workplace?

-- pa

Associate II

Thanks. Thought this was a helpful site. Yes I did google but no clear cut answer. I can show you my schematic where the JTAG is implemented in the MCU, hence I was not sure