2019-11-29 6:50 PM
2019-11-29 10:46 PM
You can program it in assembly or in C, or mix them as you like, even within one function.
Keil is a very good compiler if you can afford it, or you are confident that the code size will never reach 32 kilobytes. Otherwise, STM32CubeIDE or Eclipse CDT with the GNU-MCU-Eclipse plugin are good choices. All of them support both C and assembly.
2019-11-30 4:19 PM
2019-11-30 6:59 PM
There were links, click them
2019-12-01 12:01 AM
Embedded C compilers are good enough that 98% of the time you won't need to down to ASM level.
When knowing how the compiler works and knowing how the core function helps you to write C style with predictable ASM code generation.
And you shall have 20% more flash that needed to disable the compiler optimisations so you can easily put breakpoint and look at human readable ASM code in the debug window when necessary.
The only ASM instruction I use is NOP to place breakpoint hooks (for example in switch case places) and SW delays, and to temporarily disable interrupt (save the interrrupt level in stack, disable, then pop it.
2019-12-01 5:26 AM
DMB, DSB, WFI, CLZ, REV, REV16, REVSH, RBIT are also quite necessary in non-trivial projects.
2019-12-02 5:33 PM
Just wonder - is there sample code already available to do this - it is trivial i.e. controls 3 motors only. which is better for a beginner ~STM32CubeIDE or ECLIPSE CDT?
2019-12-02 5:47 PM
Most places engage an engineer or developer to code the trivial and assembler based stuff.. I use Google to mine the interwebs and git.
CubeIDE is presumably where all the resources are being thrown, forum traffic indicates a mixed level of success, as the teething issues are resolved, and projects/importation issues are addressed.
2019-12-03 7:04 PM
Doesn't answer my question i.e. is there sample code in the public domain that I can modify and use in my application?
2019-12-07 10:08 AM