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How to read a voltage value, working with a single-ended ADC in STM32H743?


Hi there! I’m an electronic engineering major, and I currently enrolled in a graduation side-project activity in robotics and mechatronics. During this process, I’m supposed to work with STM32H743. By now, I need to read a single-ended voltage value in the microcontroller’s ADC (preferentially ADC1, Channel IN2), unfortunately all the tests which I drove were unsuccessful. I tried more insistently the use of the DMA, thinking on its efficiency – my first thought was that it’s a problem on the clock configuration setup, but I’m not sure about that, nor I do know how to solve if really is the case. Anyway, I’would be really happy if someone could help with this problematic. Any way of reading voltage tensions from an ADC with H743 would be life-changing.

My best greetings.


ST Employee

Hello @MPedr.1​,

Can you please provide more details for me to help you ? What "tests" did you run and what exactly was unsuccessful ? Sharing your code here using code snippet would be a good start.



SA  V.1
Associate II

Hello, Which tool your using and share your code it will be usefull to help you .