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How to configure timer triggered DMA from modified CubeIDE code?


I’m using CubeIDE, which lets me configure a timer to trigger a DMA request triggered by an output compare that transfers that timer's value to memory. I want to modify the generated code such that a separate timer’s value is sent to memory instead.

Within the HAL_TIM_OC_Start_DMA function, HAL_DMA_Start_IT is called, (??) which seems to be where the to\from addresses are established. I’m hoping I can modify this call to reference the memory location of another timer’s CNT value…but I’m not certain if its as simple as modifying a single call. I’m up against other anomalous behavior, so I’m not sure if this approach works. Can it?

ST Employee

Hello @KHarb.1

In HAL_DMA_Start_IT, this parameter (&TIMx->CCR1) is the source address, which you would change to the address of the other timer's CNT register.

I personally didn't try this, but I think it should work 

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