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Hi guys,who knows what the best to connect STM32H743 to a computer for debugging?

Associate II
Lead II

You'll need two things

  • the hardware interface JTAG or ST-Link
  • the software that runs on the computer. An "integrated debugging environment"


Are we talking about a hobbyist student who is willing to put time and effort into sifting through documentation/youtube/web-searches but can only afford something relatively cheap.

Or a major institution with unlimited budget looking to equip a major research laboratory.

You can't go far wrong starting with the stm32cube software, and an stm32 nucleo/discovery board that has built-in USB-to-jtag/st-link

But when you're designing your own boards you'll want a separate JTAG/ST-Link. ST sell some. I happen to use one by Rowley*. As far as I know there are more expensive ones by Segger (maybe others) that add trace capability.

*I use their commercial Crossworks IDE. I started before stm32cube was around, and I prefer it. But other offerings also exist.

Hope this helps,


Associate II

The board you mean is compatible with ST-link,I would have to try in order to make it work?

jeeesus, did you etched the PCB yourself? Why there is no soldermask?

looks nice tough

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk


What do you need to debug?

Normally in my designs i expose the SWD pins + one uart to connect with an STLINK

You could buy one stlink from ST or if you already have any discovery/nucleo board, those already have an embedded stlink you could rewire.

we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk
Associate II

I've order online they made it ! Never had the chance to make it work properly! I was wondering from the software ST there s a method to connect to it through bluetooth or wifi , from ST thisone

Associate II even this you mentioned ,my aim is to debug in real time while the device is playing so I'd rather do it even through bluethooth maybe wifi

If you're looking to instrument your code for diagnostic or telemetry messages use a Bluetooth module connected to a UART​

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Associate II

well is to make the code working fine

  1. Normal debugging uses low cost STLink (Debug by Breakpoints, memory view, etc.). You'll want that first for programming and to debug any wireless or other connections you create.
  2. UART or USB VCP debugging, where you output diagnostics using your own code, i.e. printf(). With an appropriate IC these could be redirected over wireless, though there will likely be bandwidth limits. I suggest creating ring buffers so your code dumps diag to the ring buffers, and the ring buffers are sent over UART/VCP/wireless as the bandwidth allows. Ring buffers maybe 10K~100K depending on how verbose you are. Include code to handle ringbuffer overflow when you get too verbose :)
  3. Full speed real time debugging can use Trace Interface (JTracePro for Cortex M $$$). Be very careful to keep traces from STM32 to connector short, balanced, equal length, etc. See the appropriate app notes. Any issues will limit the MHz the STM32H743 can be traced at. This is way faster than anything wireless can handle, but even with this done perfectly you can probably only run the H743 at half speed before diag info overloads the trace link. You can configure the RCC to slow down the H743 when using Trace, then when debugged recompile with the RCC back to full speed (with appropriate timing corrections in your code). You can use regular STLink functions with H743 at full speed.
