2022-10-16 8:03 PM
I need to make this video project (which uses stm32f407VGT6) in my stm32f469 disco kit in stm32cube ide 1.10.1
I need step by step
Look below for the stm32f469 mcu typing splash screen. There are several options. The chip I normally work on is this: STM32F469NI...
In the quoted video, the author works with pa1 on stm32f407vgt6. What would be the equivalent on the stm32f469 disk kit?:
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-10-27 2:17 AM
Hi @neuberfran,
You can use STM32CubeProgrammer tool.
2022-10-27 9:33 PM
You still haven't answered the main question I asked above: Why when I move the potentiometer Isn't it changing anything in the value of the dma-adc variable in debug? (Because in the video it works ok.)
2022-10-28 12:39 PM
This image is really bad, I can't even see it with zoom
2022-10-28 12:41 PM
You still haven't answered the main question I asked above: Why when I move the potentiometer Isn't it changing anything in the value of the dma-adc variable in debug? (Because in the video it works ok.)
2022-11-07 5:39 PM
@Imen DAHMEN Can you help-me more or not?
2022-11-07 6:42 PM
Did you even look at the schematic for your board? A1 is an Arduino pinout. Your pot is connected to PORTC pin 2.
If you want to connect the pot to PA1, then you need to use pin D3 on the Arduino connector.
2022-11-07 7:33 PM
@Community member still didn't work. I also tried to move the Gnd input to the Arduino pins side. nothing solved
2022-11-07 7:44 PM
@Community member still didn't work. Please post 1 video with any stm32f4xx disk kit and potentiometer. And also debug adct this variable result. Something like the video below that is the reason for this issue:
2022-11-09 12:02 PM
@Community member
I solved with D3 and also when I created the project correctly
2022-11-09 3:18 PM
Good to hear you got it working :grinning_face: