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Hello, I'm using STM32l152RCT6 and i have a debugging problem with GPIOx->MODER

Associate II

In my program I have to change the mode of 2 pin very frequently, I have to get from Input mode (to have an "high impedance" state) to output mode (to use a PP) etc. These pins are PA6 and PA7.

And it's working, no problems to do that, I just use the GPIOA->MODER register and reassign the bits I need to.

But when I do that i have a problem : I can start debugging, charge the program through the board, but then I immediatly lose connexion with it. So I can't do any observation during debbuging (no "step by step", no variable visualisation...).

I have already found that this problem is here when I assign a bit on MODER register, when I don't do this I can debug easily.

I don't change the mode of PA13 and PA14, so the problem is not that I can't use the SWD process anymore (also if it was that, I would not be able to charge the program on the MCU).

Another thing that I don't understand is that depend on where I put this line on my program, it can work (I do a "calibration" cycle before my main loop, and this is when the problem appears)...

Also, if I try to do this on another PIN and use another register (like GPIOC->MODER for example), the problem remains the same...

Does anyone have an idea ? ��

Edit : here the messages I have in the console :

Info : Previous state query failed, trying to reconnect

Error: jtag status contains invalid mode value - communication failure

Polling target STM32L152RCTx.cpu failed, trying to reexamine

Examination failed, GDB will be halted. Polling again in 6300ms


Accepted Solutions
Associate II

Ok so I've finally found how to solve it :

I tried of course to clean then rebuild the project many time, but it didn't change anything...

I tried one last thing that worked for some reason :

put away all my files, then take them back to the project.

I build the project, start to debugging and now it is working !

View solution in original post


> I just use the GPIOA->MODER register and reassign the bits I need to.



ST Employee


When single stepping, at what line in the code do you loose the SWD connection ?

Hi, my line is :

GPIOA ->MODER |= (BIT12) ; //This put PA6 to output mode

The problem is I can't single step, when I put my program on the MCU, it disconnect immediatly, I can't even start it "normally, I have to use the reset user button to start it

That usually happens when you change the functionnality of the debug pins.

Your program is changing PA13 & PA14 configuration somewhere. Review your code.

Reset value for GPIOA->MODER is 0xA800 0000, make sure the 0xA8 part is not changed.

I've already done that and all is fine for these pins, and I should'nt be able to send my code if these pins are the problem

And even if I use GPIOC->MODER or GPIOB->MODER, the problem is the same

Do you turn off GPIOA clock somewhere ?

No it doesn't happen... But it gives me a question :

When I write something like "GPIOA->MODER |= BIT12", does the MCU test all the regiester's bit to assign the corresponding bit ? And if it is the case, can it be a problem for PA13 & PA14 ?