2019-08-14 7:23 AM
Or any other way in STM32F030F4 microcontroller, to awake from low power mode.
and I am using timer in my application.
2019-08-14 7:43 AM
> As RTC programmable mode is not there
What do you mean? You can activate RTC's Calendar and use its Internal Alarm A for waking up.
2019-08-15 9:26 PM
2019-08-18 9:44 PM
In my application,
I need to awake up with in 2 seconds regular intervals when it goes in stop mode.
can you share sample code for RTC's calender and using its internal Alarm A for waking up?
2019-08-23 6:01 AM
Dear Sir
Do you have a code snippet for periodic wakeup alarm for RTC at 1 sec?