2021-10-04 11:50 AM
When using a TIM timebase (rather than systick), the PGSERR bit in the FLASH.SR register gets set after calling HAL_InitTick. Using the debugger, I found that the specific line that causes the flash error is "__HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC2)". This appears to be the case when using different timers as the timebase as well.
I am using STM32CubeIDE 1.7.0, STM32Cube FW_G4 V1.4.0, and GNU Tools for STM32 (9-2020-q2-update). My target is the Nucelo G431RB.
2021-10-04 07:51 PM
The only way I can think of in which this makes sense is if the relevant timer interrupt uses the flash in some way, perhaps trying to initialize the EEPROM page. Set a breakpoint in the relevant interrupt handler and trace execution.
2021-10-04 08:21 PM
The FLASH.SR register gets set with the PGSERR bit before any EEPROM initialization has occurred. I even removed the EEPROM code and it still shows the same behavior. I tried what you said and put a breakpoint in the ISR. Right after calling "HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM17_IRQn)", the interrupt triggers and jumps to "HAL_TIM_IRQHandler". Stepping through the ISR I can see that the FLASH.SR register is set after calling "__HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC2)" in the "capture compare 2 event" section. Also, everything I've described so far is stock code generated by CubeMX.
2021-10-04 08:46 PM
HAL_TIM_IRQHandler isn't the entry point of the IRQ handler. Should be able to see the entry in the call stack.
> Stepping through the ISR I can see that the FLASH.SR register is set after calling "__HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC2)" in the "capture compare 2 event" section
So the flag is clear before this line and then it is set after clearing the CC2 flag? Seems like a hard sell to me. I don't see anything about it in the errata sheet.
I'm not familiar with how HAL sets up a TIM timebase, but it seems odd that the CC2 event is used instead of the update event.
2021-10-04 10:10 PM
"TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM17_IRQHandler" should be the entry point where "HAL_TIM_IRQHandler(&htim17)" is called. Strangely enough when I resumed testing, the FLASH fault changed so that it now trips in the capture compare 3 section despite not changing any code. Your understanding of my description is correct. I've included an image that shows screenshots immediately before and after "__HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(htim, TIM_IT_CC3)" in debug.
2021-10-05 06:29 AM
Well that's weird. I am as stumped as you are. If the spot where it happens moves around as you change code, it could be a latent result from an operation that is started earlier somewhere.
2021-10-05 09:15 AM
The section where the FLASH error occurs changed even though I didn't change any code. The error occurs so early on that there don't seem to be any other operations to interfere. The stack trace in chronological order looks like this: main() -> HAL_Init() -> HAL_InitTick() -> HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ() -> interrupt -> TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM17_IRQHandler() -> HAL_TIM_IRQHandler()-> __HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(). "HAL_Init" is the first function call in "main", and everything leading up to the interrupt are CubeMX generated HAL functions, so I don't see how any of my code could be causing this. If I have time later I'll create a new project and try to reproduce the issue exclusively with CubeMX generated code. I am running this on a nucleo board so if I can come up with simple instructions to reproduce the issue maybe someone at ST will take notice.
2021-10-07 05:16 PM
I played around with this a bit more and found the minimal setup to reproduce the issue.
"HAL_Init" will now cause the FLASH.SR register to change from 0 to 128. If "Internal Clock" is never selected in the TIM1 configuration, FLASH.SR will not change value after "HAL_Init". At this point I suspect to be an issue in the silicon and should probably be added to the errata.
2021-10-08 12:47 AM
> "HAL_Init" will now cause the FLASH.SR register to change from 0 to 128.
Step through HAL_Init() and functions it calls, and find out, where does this happen.
2021-10-08 09:12 AM
This is already explained in detail in the previous posts.