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Ethernet driver initialization fails in the STM32F217VGT6

Associate II


I'm currently working on a project that includes integrating a real-time operating system into the STM32F217VGT6. I created a project for the STM32F217VGT6 MCU with FreeRTOS as the middleware in the STM32CubeIDE v1.13.0. The code generated in 'Src/main.c' has the following problem:

The generated function 'MX_ETH_Init()' calls 'HAL_ETH_Init()'. If 'HAL_ETH_Init()' returns status other than 'HAL_OK', 'MX_ETH_Init()' calls '_Error_Handler()', which (of course) does not return.
At the moment I am not sure how to proceed.

Thank you.

Sahana Raghavan

Principal II

Are you using a custom board or some evaluation board?

Debug it and find the exact function / point where the error occurs.

Maybe the PHY (which one?) has not the correct address setting?

Yes it is a custom board. Afer debugging, I found that the HAL_ETH_Init() function (in the MX_ETH_Init()) calls the Error_Handler() function.
I am not sure what you mean. Please tell me how to check if it is the correct address and change the address.

Principal II

There must be an address bit in some MDIO register (I don't know the F217), and your PHY probably has a pin, if it is the LAN8742 it is pin 10, which should have a pull-up or pull-down resistor.

Debug some more... you should find something more specific which part in HAL_ETH_Init() causes the failure.

Or maybe other MDIO settings (for PHY control & setup) are not correct? Like clock divider.

The problem is from this function in the HAL_ETH_Init():

while (((heth->Instance)->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_SR) != (uint32_t)RESET)


/* Check for the Timeout */

if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ETH_TIMEOUT_SWRESET)




/* Process Unlocked */



/* Note: The SWR is not performed if the ETH_RX_CLK or the ETH_TX_CLK are

not available, please check your external PHY or the IO configuration */




The PHY is LAN8472A.

Principal II

So software reset doesn't work, check the reference manual upon what that relies, then check what the comment says, if there's a clock to or from the PHY, whatever your settings should be, if the clock source should be the STM or the PHY :

/* Note: The SWR is not performed if the ETH_RX_CLK or the ETH_TX_CLK are not available, please check your external PHY or the IO configuration */

Hey! Any update on this? Did you manage to get this solved?