2023-08-02 7:37 PM
I'm currently working on a project that includes integrating a real-time operating system into the STM32F217VGT6. I created a project for the STM32F217VGT6 MCU with FreeRTOS as the middleware in the STM32CubeIDE v1.13.0. The code generated in 'Src/main.c' has the following problem:
The generated function 'MX_ETH_Init()' calls 'HAL_ETH_Init()'. If 'HAL_ETH_Init()' returns status other than 'HAL_OK', 'MX_ETH_Init()' calls '_Error_Handler()', which (of course) does not return.
At the moment I am not sure how to proceed.
Thank you.
Sahana Raghavan
2023-08-02 11:16 PM
Are you using a custom board or some evaluation board?
Debug it and find the exact function / point where the error occurs.
Maybe the PHY (which one?) has not the correct address setting?
2023-08-03 11:05 AM
Yes it is a custom board. Afer debugging, I found that the HAL_ETH_Init() function (in the MX_ETH_Init()) calls the Error_Handler() function.
I am not sure what you mean. Please tell me how to check if it is the correct address and change the address.
2023-08-03 10:17 PM
There must be an address bit in some MDIO register (I don't know the F217), and your PHY probably has a pin, if it is the LAN8742 it is pin 10, which should have a pull-up or pull-down resistor.
Debug some more... you should find something more specific which part in HAL_ETH_Init() causes the failure.
Or maybe other MDIO settings (for PHY control & setup) are not correct? Like clock divider.
2023-08-04 11:18 AM
The problem is from this function in the HAL_ETH_Init():
while (((heth->Instance)->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_SR) != (uint32_t)RESET)
/* Check for the Timeout */
if ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > ETH_TIMEOUT_SWRESET)
/* Process Unlocked */
/* Note: The SWR is not performed if the ETH_RX_CLK or the ETH_TX_CLK are
not available, please check your external PHY or the IO configuration */
The PHY is LAN8472A.
2023-08-07 8:49 AM
So software reset doesn't work, check the reference manual upon what that relies, then check what the comment says, if there's a clock to or from the PHY, whatever your settings should be, if the clock source should be the STM or the PHY :
/* Note: The SWR is not performed if the ETH_RX_CLK or the ETH_TX_CLK are not available, please check your external PHY or the IO configuration */
2025-02-12 5:02 AM
Hey! Any update on this? Did you manage to get this solved?