2017-04-12 8:23 AM
I just started with SensorTile develpment. Got the STEVAL-STLCX01V1 in house and have downloaded firmware
Got it build success using IAR. As I gone through release doc, it support 3 versions of IDE.
Just wondering, where I may able to find the project files for Eclipse ?
Or any doc showing how I may able to convert one of the supported IDE project to Eclipse ??
Thanks for advice
2017-04-12 10:05 AM
No sure if this will help, but Are you talking about the OpenSTM32 tool?
2017-04-12 7:46 PM
Given the way the question was phrased, I am assuming you are somewhat familiar with GNU ARM Eclipse. If that's not the case, please let me know.
Your best bet is to have STM32CubeMX write the project out as an Atollic Studio project and go from there. Atollic is built on Eclipse and most of the output translates to GNU ARM Eclipse. If you have not done ARM development on Eclipse using GNU ARM Eclipse, the
website is pretty helpful, though it is more focused on NXP/Freescale offerings. The basics of using Eclipse for for ARM Cortex-M development is the same.2017-04-13 6:17 PM
Yes, I have user experience with Eclipse but not too much into Setup and configuration of Project side of it.
I had installed both Eclipse & also OpenSTM32 through Eclipse.
Also import the stsw-stlkt01 project and try to build...
However, all files has mapping to
Is there a way to change some relative mapping reference to 'stsw-stlkt01\v1.2.0' folder structures ?
2017-04-15 11:29 AM
OK, if I installed the SystemWorkbench as window application, then I could move further.
Now I could install the 'STM32L4xx-SensorTile' project and build project.
But I have following type warnings (7 of them) :
If I ignore warning, I could load code and run debugger (as I can see LED blinking on Sensor Tile also BLE advertise).
However, the debugger could not locate project source path.
I had confirmed the location path of source file is correct.
Why it show as '\\' instead of single '\' ??
Thanks for suggestions for software startup doc for quick start.
2017-04-16 2:00 PM
Found the issue for 'No source file named', STM released project has Debugger info disabled. After enabled it, it show Main() source in debugger.
2017-05-10 7:20 AM
Thanks for your feedback
!The upcoming release of STSW-STLKT01 software package willenable the 'Debugging Info' by default.
2017-05-26 11:04 AM
Do you see an advantage with system workbench over IAR (Embedded workbench)? Does system work bench for Windows work out of the box, or do you you need drivers to be able to connect the Nucleo (
NUCLEO-f401reT6 ) To the Expansion Cradle?
2017-05-26 8:49 PM
IAR require to pay and they don't even list the price for each license.
System workbench is basically eclipse with linker/debugger modification. ST release support it, can just load the project and run (most of the time)
The SensorTile startup guide has a diagram which show how to connect NUCLEO to Cradle.
2017-06-01 9:37 AM
I followed the instructions to install System Workbench and I got as far as building the AudioLoop project but got the following error: 'make: *** No rule to make target `C:/Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32l4xx_hal.c', needed by `Drivers/STM32L4xx_HAL_Driver/stm32l4xx_hal.o'. Stop.
did run into this? Where can I redirect the project to right location of my files. I downloaded ST files to `Users/sagui/Downloads/v1.2.0/` (using windows 10 development system).