2024-10-29 12:29 AM
I am desperately trying to seed a production project involving multiple engineers (and across multiple companies) and am having great difficulty getting the project to build once it has been pushed to a git repository. The difficulty involves the creation of empty directories that git ignores, but eclipse does not. My preference is to force the code to be copied into the project rather than linking it into STM32CubeMX libraries which get updated all the time. For us this creates risk and is something that I would like to avoid.
This is a blocking issue as we now need to build it out to include new features and functions. Currently we are using the USBX HS CDC ACM as our base and will soon add to it SPI and possibly multiple UARTS. How can I get this project seeded? How can I successfully distribute the source code across multiple platforms/engineers?
2024-10-29 3:30 PM
Git indeed does not keep empty directories. A "well known way" is to put empty files named ".gitkeep" in such directories and commit them.
> My preference is to force the code to be copied into the project rather than linking it into STM32CubeMX libraries which get updated all the time
For our customers we do the opposite: the eclipse projects link to the libraries stored outside of the project - but the libraries are checked into version control too! So if/when they get updated, they are tracked and managed as any other dependency repository. Forks and patches in the libraries? No problem. Portability between Windows and Linux? No problem.