2024-12-24 6:54 PM
Download program after USART_5(TX and RX) output high level voltage,communcation unsucceed.
hardware and solftware is ok,is't ST-link had problem?
there other question,I/O is damaged? so i want to know the reason for this question.
thanks,Look forward to your reply and help:)
merry christmas!
2024-12-24 10:52 PM
Hello @bobber and welcome to the Community,
First, let me wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
We need more details on your case and which device is used, as several potential issues that could be causing this issue.
First, make sure that the ST-LINK firmware is up to date and check if you are using a genuine ST-LINK/V2 or a cloned one: How to recognize a genuine ST-LINK/V2 versus a cloned one
Check also the jumpers on the board and follow the recommendations described in the associated User Manual to the used board, which contains all the jumpers and solder bridges with their functions.
Double-check the UART configuration settings.
2024-12-24 11:08 PM
okok,i know,so you also think mine ST-link had some problems?Because i think mine hardware and software is ok,So I changed to a new ST-LINK. I will try again later and give you feedback later.
2024-12-25 9:08 AM
Not clear exactly what you're doing or specific part/board details.
You've got viable code in FLASH? It's running based on BOOTx settings?
Show configuration code.
Show wiring.
Show what you're measuring.
2024-12-25 11:21 PM
I have solved the problem,but there's another problem,Why does the program run sometimes with abnormal communication and sometimes with normal communication?There's a bug in the program? Or is there something wrong with the system's clock? Will cause occasional communication breakdown??
By the way, are you at Tesla? I used to do BMS hardware design, and I'm also interested in automotive electronics
thank you for your support!