2017-09-27 12:54 AM
Hi !
Does anybody know the reason for:
support of
Atollic TrueSTUDIO STM32 (TrueSTUDIO)
Are all Cube versions affected?
Best regards,
2017-09-27 5:38 AM
ST has been pushing to migrate GNU/GCC chains to their free System Workbench platform.
2017-11-29 1:18 PM
I just saw the same when i upgraded my F3 firmware to 1.9.0
I did install System Workbench back when i started looking at STM32.
This is quite disappointing! Well i guess i got lucky when i choose the subscription rather than perpetual! LOL
2017-12-13 6:37 AM
Maybe to drive down the price?
2017-12-13 9:19 AM
Certainly would tighten the screws on negotiations. The STM32 family seem to be generating a lot of revenue, not sure throwing it on a tool development play is the direction I'd go. Tool teams are a huge revenue sink hole, hard to quantify the 'value' they bring, especially when it is the chips guys making the m*gic happen. Also would tend to poison relationships with Keil (ARM) and IAR.
2017-12-13 11:10 AM
Well, ST do seem to be (almost?) unique in not having their own in-house free (as in beer) IDE...
2018-06-25 1:37 AM
Didn't ST buy Atollic TrueStudio in December, 4 months after they removed support? I would have thought a decision such as this wouldn't have been made in that short of a time span. Was the Cube development team not made aware of a possible buy, or at least given a directive not to remove support for Atollic toolchain?
Given now that it is June 2018, there does not seem to be any patch to re-include support. Does anyone know if this specific change will be reversed?
2018-06-25 4:15 AM
Adam Hamilton wrote:
Didn't ST buy Atollic TrueStudio in December, 4 months after they removed support?