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Changing of ADC control and configuration bits of STM32L475

Associate III

I have found that from the ref. manual, certain bits of ADC control and configuration bits when ADC enabled but in the drivers provided by the ST showing that they are changing only when the ADC is disabled. For reference,0693W00000D0LHeQAN.png I have attached the screenshot. Please help me understand this topic.

  • There is no register with the name ADC_OFCHRy, but here mentioned.

Are the above are bugs in the manual?

  1. Yes, doc is highly likely wrong. There is still a chance, that comments and logic how LL_ / HAL_ drivers were written, could be erroneous.
  2. The issue is not only with stm32L47x series, but much wider, potentially ALL stm32 series of uCPU.
  3. Strange things, nobody notice this mistake in Ref. Manual for a years.
  4. I'm sure, there are more errors in doc. , as well as in software, no points to wait when RM gonna be corrected. (I'm not affiliated with ST, have no idea how long this could take.)

Thank you for your reply. I file the bug report to ST on documentation. This mistake took us some waste of time and money.

ST Employee

​Hello Harish,

Thanks for your reported issue.

It seems there is a typo with the docs and the LL/HAL libraries should be correct.

Your feedback is raised internally for correction.


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