2019-03-26 8:37 AM
i am trying to generate arbitrary waveform. But it still dose not work. I think it's up to the configuration. I have created a array of 6 words for two waveform patterns to be send to TIM1 channel 1 (TIM1_ARR, TIM1_RCR, TIM1_CCR1) This is how the basics look
uint32_t aSRC_Buffer[6] = { 2000,1,800,3000,2,200}; /// ARR, RCR, CCR1 x 2. But i am just getting a 3.3 V on the PIN.
uint32_t aSRC_Buffer[6] = { 2000,1,800,3000,2,200};
2019-03-26 9:59 AM
Perform the writes to those registers "manually". Does the pin voltage change?
2019-03-26 10:25 AM
@Community member the pin is high because i have set the GPIO Mode to Pull-up
2019-03-26 5:19 PM
Well, if you set it to pull up (and presumably as Input?) and you find it high, then it works exactly according to your setting, doesn't it?
What's the problem then?
2019-03-27 5:31 AM
i am trying to generate Waveform Pattern with DMA and Timer. the DMA should send the Data to the TIM1_CH1. but it dose not work. Somehow i dont see the DMA configuration in the main.c i do not know why. i just can see the following:
static void MX_DMA_Init(void)
/* DMA controller clock enable */
/* DMA interrupt init */
/* DMA2_Stream5_IRQn interrupt configuration */
HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(DMA2_Stream5_IRQn, 0, 0);
2019-03-27 5:32 AM
2019-03-27 2:37 PM
Start with getting PWM output on that pin, without DMA.
2019-03-27 7:46 PM
If you want to generate a burst of pulses of different timings on a pin, you select a Timer which can be DMA access for its CHANNEL register. Create the toggle points over the course of a timer period and feed this toggle timestamps cyclically to the channel output compare as toggle point.
The timer period should remain fixed.