2022-03-08 9:50 PM
hey there
I have a STM32f030C8t6 which I wish to read 2 Analog values by it. I use ADC DMA for this. but as soon as I use command
HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc,(uint32_t *)ADC_SEN,2); //Starting ADC1
I can see my ADC pins' volt are as high as 3.5volts!
why is that?
2022-03-09 9:33 PM
I mean, does Cube set these registers?
does Cube set GPIO_PUPDR registers for ADC pins?
2022-03-10 6:51 AM
What is VDDA/VREF+ on your board?
Measuring ADC pins with nothing connected to it is of limited use. What voltage do you think it should be?