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2 Chips with Different i2C Address on same I2c Bus , here how to ensure which i2c data is recieved? If any example for stm32f072 please share . Thanks , Rohit

Associate III

Check that each chip NACK to its slave address.

Check the error/status codes returned by the HAL_I2C functions.

You'll need to sequence your code such the it queries one at a time.

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Associate III

Ok ,.

Actually am using SPL and Not HAL.

Can you please share more on NACK to Slave Address? How to confirm it?

I am not much familiar to it.


It is part of the I2C protocol, should be detected and flagged as part of the driver implementation.

If you are currently having an issue, see how the driver is reporting error/status conditions, and how you react to them.

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