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I am using stm32f7508-DK - How to create .wav file header?


I am using stm32f7508-DK,

Working on audio recorder.c BSP example,

<example working fine need to customize the example to meet our requirement>

i want to created ( .wav) file based on incoming audio signal from microphones <U20 , U21 designator on Hardware>

kindly suggest me any examples do create the (.wav) file incoming audio signal from microphone.

how to create (.wav file ) ?


Muhammed Güler
Senior III

you can look at the positions in the last answer in this conversation

Chief II

your guess?

I posted the wrong link... I mean this topic:

Your explanation?

Well we've been getting a lot of that kind of cut-n-paste spam, so at the very least a dupe post. Are you the same person? A different person taking the same class?

Most of these thing start with getting a viable SDIO/SDMMC driver up and running, and then FatFS on top of that. Writing files, managing data, on the STM32 is similar to any other platform. The WAV format has been around for decades, the headers and form documented, with countless examples, that even the academics should have encountered and teach it.

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