2022-02-02 12:47 AM
I keep investigating why I have problems driving my motor with negative speeds.
I captured the phase voltage directly on the motor leads (yellow, cyan and magenta channels) and the current on the DAC output (Ia or Ib) and I noticed this peaks on the current waveform.
Zooming in, the currents themselves don't look bad at all
However I do not understand where does peaks are coming from
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
2022-04-26 9:45 AM
2022-04-26 9:52 AM
The picture in the manual contradicts what is written.
2022-05-03 3:39 AM
Oh my .. ! I was totally blinded by the 120° of the Hall Sensor, that I did not stop an think about the whole picture, thanks a lot for that. I will test out next week and see how it goes.
2022-07-01 3:44 AM
After a lot of testing (different problem but same parameter search) and re-reading the thread that you linked before.
I believe that the correct angle should be around 120°.
I annotated the pic posted by @Dario CUCCHI for the case where the hall sequence is H1, H2 and H3 according to his text:
As you can see now measuring from the maximum of the B-emf induced on phase A to the first rising edge of signal H1 I get 120° as in the previous case: and this the value to be set in the "Placement electrical angle".
Following his instructions, I annotated my capture too and calculated an angle of around 120° as you can see.
still, thanks a lot for your help and pointing me in the correct direction (several times) :thumbs_up:
2022-07-04 7:14 AM
that's right, it's my carelessness)