2023-03-05 3:12 PM
I have, after overcoming many hurdles, finally succeeded in getting the motor to spin up and be profiled. I didn't really need the profiling information as I already had the motor characteristics, however it helps as a double check. The thing is, neither then motor pilot nor the firmware produced by the motor control SDK can spin up the motor. The pilot tool appears to use the same settings as the firmware, for motor startup procedure, by default.
I have tried re-generating the firmware, and different settings in the motor pilot, with every even slightly promising combination.
The hardware must work on some level because the firmware used by the motor pilot was able to get things rolling. It did have a little difficulty starting up, but after several tries succeeded.
The power supply indicates that 70mA are being drawn, regardless of whether the motor is trying to start or not, thus indicating that almost no current is being sent through the motor during the open loop acceleration phase. It makes a slight ringing noise, and that's all.
The settings in motor pilot and elsewhere clearly indicate there is much more current specified as what should be going through the motor. I have checked all connections, and they appear to all be sound.
I am asking for help, please don't leave me hanging. I probably require help from someone at ST. It's become clear no community member or myself can budge this problem at this point. If I cannot get help then I don't think I will be able to use ST products in my system. I need to know if the processor and system is capable of driving the motor at the required speed, and what it sounds like, which I can only know by testing.
I am making ventilators, this is for a high performance, ultra quiet fan that reverses direction rapidly and often. The motor is a typical gimbal motor, very similar to the one in the examples.
Here are the project files for the latest incarnation of the firmware, with all project files ( all 1500 of them...):
2023-03-07 11:01 AM
sorry here it is
2023-03-08 12:20 AM
Hello ,
Everything seems to be correct with your board,
can you get the file "B-G431B-ESC1#B-G431B-ESC1 3Sh#(6.1.1).hex" which is in the directory : \MC_SDK_6.1.1\Utilities\PC_SoftwareSTMotorPilotSTM32CubeProgrammer\Fw and flash it manually with Stm32CubeProgrammer then try to connect manually with the profiler.
If you have the possibility to make a video screen capture so that I can understand where the problem comes from?
thank you