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Issue with Single-Shunt Topology in MCSDK 5.Y.2 on STM32G431RB

Associate II

Hello everyone,

I am using MCSDK 5.Y.2 with an STM32G431RB MCU on a custom board. I can successfully run the motor using the three-shunt topology. However, when I switch to the single-shunt topology, the motor does not start.

I checked the mc_api.c calls for both configurations, and they are the same. On the single-shunt board, I immediately get bState = FAULT_OVER right after bState = START. This issue does not occur with the three-shunt board.

When generating the motor code, I noticed some differences in the file structure:

  • For the three-shunt topology, the directory MCSDK_v5.Y.2-Full\MotorControl\MCSDK\MCLib\G4xx\Src is created, containing the file r3_2_g4xx_pwm_curr_fdbk.c.
  • For the single-shunt topology, this directory is not created, and instead, the file r1_ps_pwm_curr_fdbk.c is placed in the Src directory. Was r1_g4xx_pwm_curr_fdbk.c removed on  MCSDK5.Y.2?

Could I be missing a difference in the state machine or configuration between the two topologies?

Below is the code I use to start the motor in my custom software:


State_t eMCState;
eMCState = MC_GetSTMStateMotor1();
if (eMCState == IDLE)
   MC_ProgramSpeedRampMotor1(SpeedCommandRPM/6, RampDurationMs);


Any guidance on resolving this issue or identifying the root cause would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

ST Employee

Hello @schultz,

File structure is normal.
Could you check your 1Shunt power board HW configuration? 

If you agree with the answer, please accept it by clicking on 'Accept as solution'.
Best regards.
Associate II

Thank you for the reply. I'll verify the configuration. 
The issue is in waitForPolarizationEnd. cnt Should increase each time Index increases in R1_HFCurrentsCalibration. But it only enters pHandle->Index++; once. Can this be related to my hardware configuration? Or my ADC ISR configuration?




static void R1_HFCurrentsCalibration( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl, ab_t * pStator_Currents )
  /* Derived class members container */
  PWMC_R1_Handle_t * pHandle = ( PWMC_R1_Handle_t * )pHdl;
  TIM_TypeDef * TIMx = pHandle->pParams_str->TIMx;
  ADC_TypeDef * ADCx = pHandle->pParams_str->ADCx;

  /* clear flag used for FOC duration check */

  /* Disabling the External triggering for ADCx */
  LL_TIM_SetTriggerOutput2( TIMx, LL_TIM_TRGO_RESET );

  if ( pHandle->Index < NB_CONVERSIONS )
    pHandle->PhaseOffset += ADCx->JDR2 ;

  /* during offset calibration no current is flowing in the phases */
  pStator_Currents->a = 0;
  pStator_Currents->b = 0;





__weak void waitForPolarizationEnd (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t *SWerror, uint8_t repCnt, volatile uint8_t *cnt)
	uint16_t hCalibrationPeriodCounter;
	uint16_t hMaxPeriodsNumber;

	hMaxPeriodsNumber = (2 * NB_CONVERSIONS) * (((uint16_t) repCnt + 1u) >> 1);

	/* Wait for NB_CONVERSIONS to be executed */
	LL_TIM_ClearFlag_CC1 (TIMx);
	hCalibrationPeriodCounter = 0u;
	while (*cnt < NB_CONVERSIONS)
			if (LL_TIM_IsActiveFlag_CC1 (TIMx))
					LL_TIM_ClearFlag_CC1 (TIMx);
					if (hCalibrationPeriodCounter >= hMaxPeriodsNumber)

							if (*cnt < NB_CONVERSIONS)
									*SWerror = 1u;

