2020-09-23 9:56 AM
2021-06-28 5:41 AM
Dear @LPari.1
There is now in the last SDK version demonstration firmware example projects for ACIM showing how the STM32 MC SDK can be used to drive an asynchronous induction motor (ACIM) in field-oriented control (FOC) using a sensorless state observer algorithm to estimate the electrical and mechanical speed and position of the rotor and the rotor flux, or in V/F open-loop sensorless mode.
Please have a look on our STM32 Motor Control Knowledge database here: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32MotorControl:SDK_AC_induction_motor .
Best regards
2020-09-23 9:57 AM
But I didn't find any Example code or source code to test it from MCSDK.
Need the help regarding same.
2020-10-01 2:14 AM
Hello @LPari.1 welcome to the ST Community.
there is no example code available to drive the EVALSTRIVE601 and NUCLEO-F401RE.
First of all check the board jumpers position according to the target configuration:
Then connect the Nucleo board to the EVALSTRIVE601 through the expansion board:
Now you can generates a New Project with MC Workbench following these steps:
Here you can customize the project parameters according to the EVALSTRIVE601 components (Bus Voltage Sensing, Current sensing, Over Current protection, ecc) and save the project by clicking on the "Save" button.
This is the configuration file of parameters used, then you can generate the code by clicking on "Generation" button.
In the generation windows you can set more parameters and after create the custom folder with your library code.
Last but not least I suggest to use a USB isolator between board and PC.
Let me know if this information has been useful to you.
2021-06-28 5:41 AM
Dear @LPari.1
There is now in the last SDK version demonstration firmware example projects for ACIM showing how the STM32 MC SDK can be used to drive an asynchronous induction motor (ACIM) in field-oriented control (FOC) using a sensorless state observer algorithm to estimate the electrical and mechanical speed and position of the rotor and the rotor flux, or in V/F open-loop sensorless mode.
Please have a look on our STM32 Motor Control Knowledge database here: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32MotorControl:SDK_AC_induction_motor .
Best regards
2022-05-20 7:24 PM
I am interested to hear any further update in this area!
I am trying to drive a BLDC/PMSM at 24V (5A max total system consumption) with my NUCLEO-G431RB and I have just acquired EVALSTDRIVE601 for testing purposes. I hope the ability for high freq PWM on this STDRIVE601 will offer improved top speed compared to STEVAL-IPM30B, I believe the PWM on IPM30B is the reason my system cannot exceed 16,000 RPM or so, does this sound accurate?
(the following paragraph refers to my experience working with IPM30B, not STDRIVE601)
Re: PWM, I am struggling to control PWM via workbench Monitor, it seems I can only change PWM by adjusting PWM_FREQUENCY in drive_parameters.h, then attempt to play with other params in that file and observe behavior in Workbench Monitor. The default 16kHz seems the most stable after some align/closed/open tuning in the WB Monitor and I can then reach 16kRPM reliably when I spin the dial to the max, however 18/20/24kHz does not appear to give me any headroom, in fact my system becomes unstable and motor fails beyond 15 kRPM. At 12kHz and 14 kHz PWM I cannot complete startup sequence to reach a stable closed-loop RPM.
Now after prepping my EVALSTDRIVE601 I am struggling to get any results with Profiler or Workbench. I can hear lots of funny noises when I click Start Motor in Workbench but that's about it, any guidance is welcome here. Can I achieve meaningful results in workbench alone or do I need to jump straight into my code since it's a "custom" power board?
Thank you, ST team and community, development with these tools is truly a pleasure :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
2022-09-28 1:13 AM
Probably this other question should have a dedicated thread because the original question is about ACIM drive.
Regarding the usage of the EVALSTDRIVE601 as power stage, I checked in the MC-SDK 5.4.8 (the most updated v5.x version) ST MC Workbench but seems that this power stage is not present among the board supported out-of-the-box. In this case you have to configure it by yourself creating a project with "custom" power board and manually filling all the required parameters of the power stage. Just to mention some of the most important are the PWM polarity signal, current sensing parameters, voltage sensing, etc. You have to get these information from the documentation of the board itself or taking a look at the schematics.