2022-09-27 6:51 AM
Actual behavior:
While I have deactivated the overvoltage protection in Motor Control Workbench, I still get the overvoltage fault flags that is sometimes set (when my motors brakes abruptly).
My setup: 4-poles BLDC motor, MCSDK 6.0.0, Nucleo G474RE + IHM08M1 configured in 3-shunt for FOC.
Expected behavior:
The overvoltage flags should never be set if the overvoltage protection is disabled
Root cause and fix:
By looking at the generated code, there is still a function that set the overvoltage flag to true
* @brief It contains the TIMx Break1 event interrupt
__weak void *R3_2_BRK_IRQHandler(PWMC_R3_2_Handle_t *pHandle)
pHandle->pParams_str->TIMx->BDTR |= LL_TIM_OSSI_ENABLE;
pHandle->OverVoltageFlag = true;
pHandle->BrakeActionLock = true;
Also when I check my generated CubeMX project, I see that on the only BKIN input activated is on TIM1, and that BKIN2 is deactivated.
And that in the same file there is the function R3_2_BRK2_IRQHandler() that do set the overcurrent flag.
Aren't the two BKIN inputs/functions swapped ? Can you at ST confirm this is bug ?
NB1: In R3_2_IsOverCurrentOccurred(PWMC_Handle_t *pHdl) the overvoltage flags is also set, while the description of the function is only about overcurrent. Why is this ? This is confusing.
NB2: I see LL code while I selected HAL at code generation.