2020-04-16 9:13 AM
Hi all;
I use the Steval-spn3202 control driver and x-cube-mcsdkh 5.6.0. I use the parameter of bldc motor is 12W, 12000rpm, 0.2A(Nominal current), 24V, 8ohm, 0.488H, 1.95 V/krpm.
I want to control speed control or torque control with foc so that firstly, I selected speed control and senserless(observer-pll) on the st motor control workbench.
I dont use neither encoder nor hal sensor. JP9, JP10 and JP11 closed on the Steval-spn3202. JP5, JP6 and JP7 open the Steval-spn3202.
I made all configration for FOC (required short circuits and change resisitor).
first case, I think that require measuring voltage level of the back emf on the pins (A0, A1, A2) of the microcontroller for position,
But the software (st motor control bench) has never chosen these pins for sensorless and at the sametime, I checked from stm32cubemx software that has never chosen these pins
I dont understand how is bldc motor driven with feedbackless for sensorless
Secand Case, configuration of st motor control workbench is fixed parameters sensorless(observer pll) and speed control. I change PI depending other parameters to drive the bldc motor
But Bldc motor draw high curent(2A) while is no load.Sometimes while Bldc motor is not rotation, speed monitor part of software show 12000 rpm.
As a result, In no way, I couldn't drive to the bldc motor with the Steval-spn3202
Can you please help me to drive the bldc motor? because i can't find my mistake. I search from the st.com but enough I dont find to knowledge
Best regards
2020-04-16 10:32 AM
I think, with 0.2A your motor is too small for that board. ST loves to promote maximum values like the 15A rms, but the minimum requirements are hidden. When it comes to select the hardware in MCSDK, and you choose that board, it should be visible somewhere below the photo of the board. You also can set the sdk to highlight the according text in orange, when you enter the wanted motor settings in the beginning.
Edit: For the 2nd case: try a very long ramp up time and watch your motor carefully. Disconnect power before it starts overheating ! Ramping up should be without sensing something... As far, as i know, sensorless operation needs some minimum rpm to get enough bemf for measuring. So in the beginning it´s just a "estimated" control (based on block commutation) to get the motor up and running before foc takes place
2020-04-20 4:26 AM
Thank you for reply.
I don't see this like (You also can set the sdk to highlight the according text in orange, when you enter the wanted motor settings in the beginning) warning.
I think that my fault is that analog pins (A0, A1, A2) is not configuration. these pins goes to back emf volt.I add pistures.Although I tried different parameters
from the software(st motor control bench), I could not enable analog pins.
Can you please help me to this subject.
Best regards
2020-10-15 2:19 AM
Dear @mkk.1
Do you have still this problem to solve?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-10-22 1:39 AM
Please, could you confirm if you start-up from our Motor Control Workbench (latest is 5.4.4) to generate your FoC configuration with the EVAL-STSPIN3202 ?
Thanks a lot,
Best Regards,
2020-10-26 2:21 AM
Dear @mkk.1
Any news?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-11-02 12:10 AM
Dear @mkk.1
As you do not answer, I guess you don't have to solve this problem anymore, therefore I consider this thread closed.
If not, feel free to reopen it by posting a new answer.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2024-07-12 4:47 AM
Hello I am facing similar issue .. will list to elaborate correctly
1. Using STSPIN3202 to spin a A2212/13T 1000KV BLDC motor attached motor setup details
2. have connected to 12 V power supply and giving 7 A, it is a sensorless BLDC motor, the motor shaft just twists few degrees and then stops.
3. The error I am getting is this .. MotorControlRegistersBank: Accessing register [2057] OPENLOOP resulted in error[5] . Changing register's access accordingly to avoid getting this error again...
4. Is there any jumper setting that I missed. I am unable to understand if there is any specific setup for sensorless control
Please suggest