2023-08-21 7:55 AM
Level : beginner
Hardware : NUCLEO-F302R8 + X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 + Qmot BLDC motor
Software : Motor Control Benchwork 5.4.6, STM32CubeMX 5.6.0 and STM32CubeIDE 1.12.1
I'm trying to follow this tutoriel : STM32StepByStep:Getting started with Motor Control - stm32mcu (stmicroelectronics.cn)
First issue : when I try to use the ST Motor Profiler and click on the start profile button, I can't complete it because my board start smoking and the process stop because of overheating fault. What's the reason of that?
Second issue : I open ST Motor Control Workbench to create a new project. I select Single motor as System, Custom as Application Type, Power & Control as Selected Boards, NUCLEO-F302R8 as Control Board, X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1-3Sh as Power Board and Generic lov voltage <= 50V as Motor. I change the motor parameters, more precisely Electrical Parameters : 4 as pole pairs, 4000rpm, 5Apk, 36V, 0.35Ohm, 1mH and I leave the B-emf constant as default because I don't know what it is and where to find the info. After that I generate the code but here come the issue when I build the project ; in the sysmem.c file, the compiler says unknown type name 'caddr_t'. I went on Google and changed it by 'void*'. Was it right ?
Last issue : after changing every 'caddr_t' by 'void*' in the sysmem.c file, I encounter no error anymore so I run the program. Once I click on the user button, the motor rotates 1 second then stop by itself. Is that was it supposed to? I don't think so.. So I moved on to the next step which is the 2.3 from the tutorial. I add these lines in my code :
while (1) { MC_StartMotor1(); HAL_Delay(2000); MC_StopMotor1(); }
But then when i run the program, the motor still rotates 1second then stop.
What am I constantly doing wrong???? I'm so frustrated right now and I can't find any thing to help me on the internet
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-09-07 6:24 AM
Yes I did, I even downloaded again today and installed it in "Documents" folder
2023-09-07 7:16 AM
Could you connect with your board to Stm32CubeProgrammer and send me a screenshot of the page?
2023-09-07 7:22 AM
2023-09-07 8:13 AM
can you try to manually flash the firmware located at C:\yourpath\MC_SDK_6.1.2\Utilities\PC_Software\STMotorPilot\STM32CubeProgrammer\Fw which is called NUCLEO-F302R8#X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 3Sh#(6.1.2).hex With Stm32CubeProgrammer then try to connect to the profiler, if it still doesn't work, update your st-link with CubeProgrammer by clicking on "Firmware Upgrade" at the bottom right.
2023-09-07 8:30 AM
So open NUCLEO-F302R8#X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1 3Sh#(6.1.2).hex in Stm32CubeProgrammer and I clicked on download. After it's done, I clicked on disconnect. I went back to st motor control pilot, clicked on connect after manually selected the devices but I'm still redirected to the select board page.
I also upgrade to V2J42M27 Stm32 debug + mass storage + VCP then clicked on connect but the same issue occurs.
2023-09-08 1:45 AM
Hello @Gnahore ,
thank you for your answer, it is very strange that you have version 1.1.12 of the Motor Pilot while the last version released is 1.1.9. Could you tell me where you downloaded this MCSDK?
2023-09-08 2:12 AM
Hello @Zied b.
I downloaded it in the official website : X-CUBE-MCSDK - STM32 Motor Control Software Development Kit (MCSDK) - STMicroelectronics
I can unistall all the MCSDK (I downloaded all versions) I have on my computer and install the MCSDK from the link you'll give me if you want
2023-09-08 2:53 AM - edited 2023-09-08 2:54 AM
I tried with the same combination as you, and everything seems to work fine. can you show me the path where your MCSDK is installed? also if you have the possibility, can you try on another computer?
2023-09-08 3:25 AM
That is very strange..
Here's the path where is it installed.
Unfortunately I can't try on another computer, I use the only available computer
2023-09-08 3:45 AM
I unistalled it again and then reinstalled it (in Documents folder) but this time I checked "install just for me" instead of "install for anyone using this computer" and this is what happened :