2023-09-09 5:18 AM - edited 2023-09-09 5:20 AM
hello STM technical Team,
I Subodh Sawant, working with Senergy intellution, India.
Now we are working with BLDC motor with FOC algorithm and we purchased STEVAL-SPIN3204.
We installed all required software.
Problems facing:
1) we are not able to established the Monitor control.
as we can see that the PC is detecting the board as COM11.
2) we are not able to generate the project.
please help me with step by step solution.
contact reference.
Email ID: subodhsawant39@gmail.com
2023-09-11 5:31 AM
Hello @Subodh_Sawant_39
1. to be able to connect with the Monitor, you must generate the firmware and flash the firmware which brings us to point number
2. The generation does not work because you are using a CubeMx version that is too recent by port to the Workbench. To find out the correct version to use, please click on the documentation tab of the Workbench then Release note, you will find the necessary CubeMx version.