2021-10-02 4:26 AM
2021-10-06 7:41 AM
Hi, Thanks you for your feedback.
I have try to reproduce your problem but without success.
Could you give me more details please ?
Have you modified the qml file or the json file?
2021-10-07 3:08 AM
Win7, X-Nucleo IHM08 + Nucleo 446RE, LL driver.
Pilot 5.y.3 default. In torque control mode, it is not possible to enter a value greater than 500 s16A.
Pilot 5.y.2 default. In torque control mode, it is not possible to enter a value greater than 4000 s16A.
In the position control mode, it is not at all clear what is displayed in the window TargetTorque. The value does not match any of the registers.
Best regards.
2021-10-12 7:33 AM
You can modify the GUI to fit to your needs. Just edit DefaultApp.qml (in GUI Folder) iwth the values you want.
For example, for torque range you can modify the from and to property of spinbox of id: rampTargetTorque :
SpinBox {
id: rampTargetTorque
property real rampTorqueRefRegVal: mcRegBank.getRegisterByName( "I_Q_REF" ).value
from: -32768
to: 32767
Anyway this will be fix in next release of MotorPilot.
For the position control mode which qml and register.json files do you use?
2021-10-13 12:33 AM
I didn't know that you can change the interface with the qml file. Therefore, I used the default interface. Thanks for the advice to switch the interface to position control.
2021-10-13 1:25 AM
I use RegListSTMV2.json
I switched the interface to position control mode (PositionControlApp.qml)
Communication breaks after trying to enter a value.