2022-11-14 5:11 PM
This is an issue with the st motor pilot in MC SDK.
I have seen this issue posted a few times before and they fixed it by changing baud rates but that isn't working for me.
It connects under logs says successfully opened port. Next line says on next line try to configure the board
2022-11-14 11:15 PM
Hello @A1bucker ,
Have you checked if this behavior has occurred with other boards?
Check the cables, and try to upgrade firmware version using STM32 ST-LINK Utility: go to ST-LINK>firmware update, then disconnect and connect your board.
I would also suggest adding more details to your post in order to help our experts help you: What is your MCSDK version?
2022-11-15 5:19 AM
I upgraded the firmware. It went without any problem. Also I can build and load code to the board with no problem. I also use the cable with other boards with no problem
2022-11-15 5:32 AM
Hello @A1bucker ,
Which MCSDK version do you use ?
2022-11-15 6:02 AM
6.0 however I downloaded both legacy versions and tried. Same result. Also I have two micro controllers, same result on both.
I 'm running windows11.
Sinince this is my 1st use of this, does the motor and motor power have to be plugged in to the micro controller for motor pilot to activate? One controller is just bare controller, the other has all the hookups and I try with motor and battery connected.
I am wondering if it could have anything to do with the motor part of the setup
2022-11-15 6:48 AM
@A1bucker ,
The connection to the board is done through the Virtual port com offered by the STLink. If you have more than one board connected, be sure that the port configured by the Pilot is the right one, and also that the baud rate matches the configuration.
I just checked with the version 6.0.0 and powering the ESC-G4 board only with the USB cable is enough to connect it to the Pilot. Of course you will have the Under voltage error.
Finally, your processor can not be halted by your debugger. So be sure that your code is running.
Hope it helps
2022-11-15 7:10 AM
Just to be sure I understand, I only connect to the B-1 esc boars, no additional boards, through USB connection to computer, picking the correct port. All these are true
so verify I didn't load debugger program as it will haul the board and pilot won't start. Am I understanding this correctly?
On the 2nd board I don't believe I have loaded any program so I'm guessing that's why it won't start Pilot. The other maybe I loaded debugger program, to be honest I don't understand debugging as I've never learned anything about it.
2022-11-16 6:06 AM
Thank you so much. Turned out stm32cubeIDE defaults to debug for output once changed to release all was well