2020-06-29 2:04 AM
I am using STM32H743 nucleo board. I am looking to configure the USB interface as Audio Class 2.0 device. Is there any middleware available to achieve this?
Does STM has any plan to support Audio Class 2.0 middleware? Current middleware only supports Audio Class 1.0.
2024-08-02 2:34 AM
This package is not a USB only solution. It supports other features and has globally been validated up to 48 kHz for now. It is not a USB limitation.
By the way, this solution is not based on AzureRtos, neither USBX.
best regards
2024-08-08 1:58 PM
48KHz, wow, that's like back to the 1970s! Clearly STM do not take their MCU business very seriously.
2024-08-08 10:26 PM
Is it really ST's job to provide complete solutions for all and everything?
For lots of possible applications, ST provides at least a base to start from.
What are the competitors doing? Do they offer the complete "click-plug-play" package for everything?
2024-08-09 3:02 AM
You're joking right? That STM have no viable USB driver for their MCU's without pushing people into the arms of the Microsoft, is like an electrical appliance manufacturer not using a standard power connector, and not selling that connector!
Don't you understand that if every developer has to waste time developing their own USB drivers the industry loses thousands or more hours of dev time every year for nothing.
Doing a version of TinyUSB might be a better option for STM than pushing the code heavy RTOS down clients' throats, but clearly STM do not value their MCU business, and at the rate of growth of other ARM MCU board offers, including the industrial Raspberry market, I suspect STM won't be in the market by 2030, IMHO.
2025-02-27 12:41 PM
Hello from 2025
Do we have 192KHz support on STM32? Using any other libraries mentioned outside ST?