2025-03-10 10:45 PM - last edited on 2025-03-11 9:55 AM by Peter BENSCH
We are using the part STM32U585 controller in our board and we have designed it with battery backup support of 3.0v
We are evaluating the backup ram (address 0x50036400)performance and found that it is not able to retain the information on power down
Initialization routine
4)RCC->AHB1ENR |= RCC_AHB1ENR_BKPSRAMEN; // Enable backup RAM retention
5)PWR->BDCR1 |= PWR_BDCR1_BREN; // Enable backup RAM retention
6) PWR->BDCR1 |= 1; // Enable backup RAM retention
test procedure
1) write the test value at address 0x50036400
2)power down the board
3)power up the board
4)read the content at address 0x50036400
5)check for the test value
but, it returns garbage value though we attempted this trials few times
Kindly support us in solving this issue