2022-02-18 5:30 AM
First I was reading:
Reference manual
STM32U575/585 Arm®-based 32-bit MCUs
4 Boot modes
ST programmed
default value
Flash: 0x0800 0000
0x0BF9 0000
Application note
STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode
The STM32U575xx/85xx bootloader is activated by applying pattern12
TZen = 0, Boot0(pin) = 0, nSWBoot0(bit) = 1 and NSBOOTADD0 [24:0] = 0x017F200
TZen = 0, Boot0(pin) = 1, nSWBoot0(bit) = 1 and NSBOOTADD1 [24:0] = 0x017F200
TZen = 0, nBoot0(bit) = 0, nSWBoot0(bit) = 0 and NSBOOTADD1 [24:0] = 0x017F200
TZen = 0, nBoot0(bit) = 1, nSWBoot0(bit) = 0 and NSBOOTADD0 [24:0] = 0x017F200
But what are default values for nBoot0 and nSWBoot0 ?
I'am trying to understand how to enter ROM bootloader at very first boot.
2022-02-18 5:52 AM
Patterns is for next boots and options mangle, im not expert for U5 , but seems is configured to start system loader if empty on 0x08...
You can connect one supported interface from AN2606 and try use it.
2022-02-18 6:48 AM
Other families have the default bytes listed in the reference manual, but it seems the STM32U5 does not. Definitely a deficiency in the documentation unless I'm missing it. You could use STM32CubeProgrammer to read the values from a fresh chip to obtain that info.
To me, it doesn't look like the chip will launch the bootloader if flash is empty. Where are you finding that @MM..1 ?
Getting into the bootloader for the very first time is probably going to require some hardware connection. SWD programming mode will work just fine, but if you want to program over a bootloader interface, probably will need to pull BOOT0 high. You could even fabricate the chip with it held high and modify option bytes during programming to ignore that bit. Other families are configured such that BOOT0 pin is active as a default, I would expect the STM32U5 is the same but can't confirm.
2022-02-18 8:59 AM
ST programmed
default value
Flash: 0x0800 0000
0x0BF9 0000
2022-02-18 9:21 AM
Yes, but that says nothing about whether or not a factory fresh chip will enter the bootloader.
nSWBoot0/nBoot0 are the relevant bits here, plus the address.
2022-02-18 1:06 PM
> To me, it doesn't look like the chip will launch the bootloader if flash is empty. Where are you finding that
AN2606 "Table 2. Bootloader activation patterns" contains phrases like "and both banks do not contain valid code" and "and main Flash memory empty". I can confirm that L43x (pattern 6) definitely does it, but it seems that U5 (pattern 12) doesn't.
2022-02-19 1:42 AM
This is only my tip
I dont study for what is NSBOOTADD0 - 1 , but my tip is based on Boot0 bits , then for start bootloader you onlt need set BOOT0 pin high on reset.
Maybe i miss
2022-02-24 10:38 AM
>> Other families have the default bytes listed in the reference manual, but it seems the STM32U5 does >> not. Definitely a deficiency in the documentation unless I'm missing it.
Default bytes are the values of fab. Once FLASH_OPTR is programmed, default values are lost and changed with ones programmed by user.
After boot we will read the new values loaded from flash memory at OBL. Based on this description new values are unknown/changeable during the device life cycle. That's why in the U5 reference manual there is 0xxxx_xxxxx as reset value for the FLASH_OPTR and for some other register of the FlashIF.
The situation is the same for other families also, but in RM we find just production default values that will be changed with user ones (unknown values: 0xxxx_xxxx).
2022-02-24 11:14 AM
2022-02-24 12:53 PM
I confirm this information is missing. I think it was intentionally kept missing. I let you know if I know the reason.
As described above, values from a fresh chip can be read using STM32CubeProgrammer.